

The founder

The Cheese Lady on Fine Cheese

"Proper cheese is the expression of its terroir, in the same way as great wines are. It’s made up of nutritious and flavoursome milk sourced from happy and healthy animals, skilful cheesemaking, and very importantly, careful affinage; it exudes local history, traditions, and culture.

An outstanding cheese married with an equally fine wine is a truly wonderful sensory experience. I love talking to people about this "affordable luxury", tasting cheeses and wines with them, sharing my knowledge about their origins and production methods. The most enriching and amazing part of what I do is to see people learn to appreciate fine cheeses and become lifetime aficionados."

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2017 - present

2014 - 2017

2010 - 2014

2009 - 2010

2006 - 2009

visit the store

3 Court St, Haddington EH41 3JD

Tue - Sat: 10am - 5pm
Sun - Mon: closed