Charity Support
Every year, we receive many requests for charity support. While we’d love to contribute to every cause, we’ve found that we can make the greatest impact by focusing our efforts. That’s why we choose one national charity and several local charities to support each year.
Our Chosen Charities for This Year
- National Charity: Mental Health Foundation – We donate a percentage of our sales every month to support their important work.
- Local Charity: Haddington Pipe Band – A cherished part of our community that we proudly support every year.
In addition, we assist a number of small local charities and fundraising events annually. To ensure meaningful contributions, each of our shops can support up to 10 local causes per year.
As part of our mission at The Cheese Lady, we align our charitable giving with Good Health & Wellbeing (UN Global Goal 3) and Responsible Consumption & Production (UN Global Goal 12). We particularly support causes that promote mental health and traditional food-making.
How to Apply for Charity Support
If you would like to apply for Charity of the Year or request support for a fundraising event, please send us details about your charity and information about upcoming campaigns or events. We carefully review each request and, where possible, are happy to lend our support.
Email us or post your request to
FAO Claire Dawson
The Cheese Lady
3 Court Street,
Haddington, East Lothian EH41 3JD